Flake Appreciation Day is a day for appreciating the beauty of snowflakes! It is one of nature’s wonders how each snowflake is unique and has 6 arms or sides. Wikipedia states that a “snowflake is either a single ice crystal or an aggregation of ice crystals which falls through the Earth’s atmosphere. Snowflakes come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Complex shapes emerge as the flake moves through differing temperature and humidity regimes, such that individual snowflakes are nearly unique in structure. Snowflakes appear white in color despite being made of clear ice. This is due to diffuse reflection of the whole spectrum of light by the small crystal facets.”
What to do on this day…
I really enjoyed this short film called “The Snowflake Man” which is about Wilson Bentley who photographed the first snowflake.
More Cool Snowflake Videos…
Microscopic Timelapse of Snowflakes falling (BBC Earth)
Why are all snowflakes unique?
Make Paper Snowflakes
- Make the typical paper snowflakes by folding paper and cutting on the folds
- For more detailed snowflakes, check out Martha Stewart’s snowflakes.
- For even another type of snowflake, see here.